The Death of Freedom pt. 2

It’s been a couple of weeks since the court revoked women’s right to their own bodies. The Texas AG has already called for any prosecutor to bring a sodomy case to trial so he can take it to the supreme court. The court has already accepted a case that will give state legislatures unlimited power over elections with no judicial review.

There are already some Republicans are already calling for sodomy laws to be re-enacted and marriage equality repealed. Some states are trying to work out how they can prosecute women who cross state lines to seek an abortion. So, we’re looking at the end of LGBT rights, the end of interstate commerce, and the end of fair and free elections.

If you want to add gas to this fire, there are pundits and politicians opining how the separation of church and state, which our country was founded on, is a myth. The founding fathers felt so strongly about it that it was the very first amendment so it could be spelled out. If the supreme court can dance around that one, we are done for.

My friends, family, and therapist have all told me that my fear of being rounded up and either killed or imprisoned for being gay was remote. If all these dominos fall, it will happen. It. Will. Happen.

They’re coming for us.