Movie: Marlowe

This was an amazing movie, in my humble opinion. I love watching Liam Neason act; he’s so versatile. I’ve seen him play bad guys, good guys, and violent guys.

The movie started kind of slow, but that’s the way a lot of old mysteries were. They take their time introducing us to Marlowe and getting him into a case. Once the action gets going, it’s non-stop until the end of the movie.

Phillip Marlowe was a fictional private investigator from the 1920’s/1930’s. He is very well known in his universe and works with the police very closely. The police use him to get things they can’t legally do on their own. Marlowe is fair and plays by the rules.

There’s a nice plot twist toward the end of the movie that really made the whole picture. I’m giving this one 3.5 out of 5 stars for the slow start but holding my attention anyway.