TV: The Crown

Since Queen Elizabeth II passed away, I decided to give this series a watch. I’ve always had a passing fascination with the royal family; I think it’s from my deep English roots. You see these people and they’re instantly recognizable. People are in a love/hate relationship with them. We love them because they’re royals. We hate them because they’re out of touch with normal people.

I got a lot of insight into the family from watching this because there was a lot of history I just didn’t know. Things about them started to make A LOT more sense since I know their backstory now. I found myself loving them and hating them even more while watching.

After taking it all in, I’ve decided I pity them more than anything. If you think about it, it’s really not their fault they were born into this station in life. It’s hard to understand normal people when you’ve never been exposed to them before. They’re also prevented from changing who they are at the same time because of tradition, expectations, and history.

These people are in a gilded cage, and they just don’t have the same freedoms the rest of us do. Until very recently, they couldn’t fall in love and marry whoever they wanted to. It’s lead to disastrous results for the world to see. The Queen’s uncle abdicated because he couldn’t marry the woman he loved. We felt sorry for him because of that. At the same time, he was a Nazi sympathizer so we can’t forgive him of that sin.

Charles was in love with Camilla his entire adult life, but he was forced to marry Diana. I think he tried to love her, but it never worked out because the heart wants what the heart wants. He was an asshole because he was never faithful to Diana, and he cheated on her as fast as he could. Diana was thrown to the wolves and blamed for seeking comfort in the arms of other men. Charles never gave her the affection a husband should give, but the family demonized her for being human.

Margret’s husband cheated on her and didn’t even try to hide it, but it was her fault when she found comfort in the arms of another man. The family sided with her husband, and she was traumatized to the point of needing therapy.

We learned they have cousins who were mentally handicapped. Instead of loving and caring for them, the family decided their image was more important, and decided their cousins should just be thrown into an institution and thought of as dead.

There are so many reasons to hate the royal family because they’ve done some truly terrible things. I think Charles had Diana killed so he could end up with Camilla. I also think Harry isn’t Charles’ son, either. Harry looks nothing like Charles, but he looks an awful lot like one of Diana’s lovers.

I can’t wait for season 5 to come out in November!