Why Republicans Bully the LGBT and Women

Republicans, more specifically conservative Christians, need to feel like they’re better than others. It doesn’t matter how they’re better, just as long as they feel like they are. When it comes to LGBT people and women who seek abortion care, they feel morally superior to us.

These people believe all LGBTQIA+ people are basically whores and sluts. They recognize homosexual urges and thoughts deep within themselves and they’re afraid of it. They think we sleep around living hedonistic lifestyles. They fear that we are such sexual deviants that we want to hurt their children and, somehow, convert them to our side. This is why they’ve launched a holy war against us and are targeting trans kids and drag queens. It also explains why they complain so much about us while some of the loudest get caught with under age kids in cheap motel rooms.

When it comes to women seeking abortion care, they’re slut shaming these women in their minds. They honestly believe any woman who seeks an abortion only does so because it’s an unplanned pregnancy out of wedlock. A part of them hold on to the archaic belief that you should only have sex to make a child. Granted, none of them actually practice this, but I think it’s the basis for how they think.

They don’t give a damn about children. They demonstrate this every time they cut social programs or complain about welfare babies. If they truly cared about children, they wouldn’t put work requirements on food stamps or Medicaid.