What is the USA coming to?

I know I haven’t posted anything in months, but I guess I’ve just been on auto-pilot. I haven’t really tried any new beers or restaurants. I haven’t watched any new shows or movies. I’ve just been living my life the best I can.

I’ve had anxiety about the political situation in the US. I’m terrified of what will happen if/when Trump wins. I’ve been pretty good at keeping that anxiety in check until last week. I knew things were going to get bad after the Supreme Court giving the President immunity from prosecution and how bad Biden did in the debate. I spent several days in shock, but the fears are becoming more real and palpable today.

All Trump will have to do is decide that LGBT people are a threat and that will be the end of us. He couldn’t be prosecuted for deciding we should have absolutely no rights in society; there’d be no recourse. His Project 2025 will purge the government of anyone not loyal to him so there’ll be no opposition or objection to him.

Will they come round us up at gunpoint? Will they put us in camps? Will they execute us right then and there? Will there be a show trial to make it look like justice? I’m scared to death! I never, ever thought our country could go in this direction. Checks and balances were supposed to be in the very DNA of our government, but they’ve just been swept away.

If my predictions are right, they’ll brand us all as sex offenders and make us register. Life will get so difficult for us that we won’t be able to go out in public for fear of she shame. We could be attacked in the street or our homes by concerned parents and citizens. It won’t matter that we’ve done nothing to anyone. It won’t matter that we aren’t pedophiles. We’ll be guilty because the President says so.

I was writing this as a way to process my fears. I hoped I’d find some fallacy in my thought process and I’d see that I don’t have anything to worry about. I don’t know what this time next year will look like, but I can tell you that I have no sense of security.