Movie: I Am Mother

I’ve been meaning to watch this movie for a while and just now got around to it. It’s not often you find a movie like this. It’s extremely well done. The plot is thought out and the twists are unexpected.

Mother is a robot that raises a human child. They’re in some sort of sanctuary designed for thousands of people to live, but it’s empty except for the robot and human. There are human embryos in cryogenic storage waiting to be developed in order to repopulate the earth.

Everything goes well for a number of years until the girl, “Daughter” hears something outside. While Mother is recharging, she opens the airlock and lets it in. It’s a human. The human female is hurt and scared. She’s terrified of mother because there are other robots who hurt her, and they looked just like Mother! What could be going on? How could this be?

Daughter escapes into a destroyed world where robots have destroyed everything and hunt humans down. Daughter decides to go back to confront Mother. Mother turns out to be a powerful AI mind who saw humanity was flawed. Lacking empathy and ethic towards one another, Mother knew the humans would destroy themselves, so she did it for them. Mother gathered embryos to rebuild the human race better than what it used to be. Daughter was the first human to pass all the ethics tests. Mother decides to give Daughter a chance to rebuild the human race and steps back.

I didn’t see the ending coming and I really wanted to see a sequel to continue the story. I think you should check this out!