Movie: Circle

I decided to watch this move out of boredom. Let me say that it’s not your normal movie. The Mcguffin is survival. The plot is survival. Survival is all this movie is about.

50 strangers are in a room on an alien craft. All of them are standing on a red circle. They soon discover they can’t touch one another, and they can’t leave their circle. Every two minutes they must vote on someone who has to die. At the end of the two minutes, the unlucky one gets zapped and is dragged off the floor by an unseen force.

There is arguing, crying, pleading, and self-sacrifice. The people are from all walks of life. There is a pregnant woman and her daughter who most of the group wants to survive. I won’t give away the ending because that’s a special surprise.

I have to give this movie a thumbs up. Many people will find it annoyingly weird, but I don’t think the story could have been told any other way.