Christmas 2021

My boyfriend (soon to be husband) and I celebrated our second Christmas as a couple this year. We went down to the town square to look at the lights and take a few pictures on the 23rd.

We had a quiet day at home on the 25th. He invited some friends over. They sat outside and drank while listening to music and singing most of the day. My folks and I were content to sit in our recliners and watch TV.

It was very important for him to have some Marshallese people over to celebrate with him. Our customs aren’t the same as his and it was like a touch of home for him. He got to play the ukulele I got him for Christmas along with the portable outdoor speaker for his phone.

I had a good time looking at everyone’s Christmas pics on Facebook. I chatted with a few friends. Played a few games and watched movies on TV all day.

We didn’t have the traditional Christmas dinner; we had tamales. We didn’t make them ourselves; I got them from Sam’s Club. They were actually pretty good and they were huge, too. I could only finish two of them when I can normally eat 3 or for if they’re the usual size.