Brittney Griner Circle Jerk

Photo of Brittney Griner taken from Vogue.

I just read a FB post about this letter some Vietnam Vet group wrote condemning Brittney Griner. The comments were the usual circle jerk about how it was very well said, and all these people agree with the vets. I’m so tired of hearing the Christo-fascists badmouth her and yap about how she should be left in Russia to rot. You can tell they only listen to Fox News because they don’t know any of the real facts of the case. They hear the words “drugs” and see a black person and they’re immediately guilty. They have no idea that she should have received a fine and had her vape confiscated if Russia were following its own laws. All they really know is that it was something about drugs, she’s black, and she’s a lesbian and that’s all there is to it.

First, the amount of hash oil she had was less than 1 gram. That’s 0.035oz. In Russia, the punishment for that amount is 15 days in jail or a fine, and not 10 years. So, they’re unfairly detaining her and not even following their own laws. Also, the Russians refused to get a translator before they made her sign documents written in Crylic. She had absolutely no idea what she was agreeing to. In our country, we tend to frown on that. She did own up to her mistake. She pled guilty to possessing less than 1 gram of hashish oil. I think that’s pretty big of her to take responsibility for her action instead of saying she did nothing wrong. It shows a lot more honor than a lot of people in this country show.

Secondly, she was detained about a week before Russia invaded Ukraine so no, she didn’t go over there and get detained because of Ukraine. It had nothing to do with that. Instead, they saw a high profile American and knew they could use her for leverage to get something from the US and our allies. That’s all this is, and she’s being used as a political pawn in the whole process. I shouldn’t be surprised, though, because these same Christo-fascists in our country love to talk about how they agree with detaining people for years over a misdemeanor when they illegally cross the border to seek asylum. I wonder how they’d react if they got sent to prison for 10 years for going 10 mph over the limit?

She traveled to Russia to play basketball in Russian leagues. A LOT of basketball players from the US play in leagues all over the world during the off-season. It helps them keep their skills sharp and it helps them get more income. The WNBA does not pay what the NBA does; nowhere near it. She was there earning money and not being a lazy bum, so why attack her for that? I think these people see a successful athlete and immediately think she makes as much money as LeBron James. That’s just not what the reality of the situation is. The highest wage in the WNBA is 227k. She makes over 1.5 million playing in Russian leagues.

Her body won’t hold out forever due to the rigors of the sport. There will come a time when she won’t be able to play anymore so she’s preparing for her future. That’s the sensible thing to do and what a lot of the Christo-fascists think any righteous person should do. 

Another argument people make as to why she doesn’t deserve help is because she’s famous. She’s not just a selfish celebrity. As soon as she learned about Paul Whelan, an American citizen also being held unfairly, she used her celebrity status to bring his case to the attention of the government who has ignored his pleas for help. Because of Brittney, Paul Whelan is getting the same help and attention she is. 

So, I have to ask why she’s not deserving of human compassion? Why attack her patriotism or say she’s getting what she deserves? Is it because she’s an athlete? Is it because she’s part of the LGBT community?

My personal theory is that it’s because she’s black and gay. They see a black athlete and immediately think she hates the United States. They think playing in international leagues means she doesn’t value her own country. They see her as a traitor to her country and that she put herself in this situation, so she deserves no compassion. When you add the fact, she’s part of the LGBT community, it makes her even more worthless to the Christo-fascists.