Book: 3001: The Final Odyssey

3001: The Final Odyssey is the last book in the 2001: A Space Odyssey series. While Clarke says each story takes place in a different universe, the timeline has tight continuity.

Frank Poole’s body is retrieved from the outer solar system and returned to earth. He is revived and becomes a celebrity. A lot has changed on earth over the past thousand years. The human species has overcome its terrible past and truly lives throughout the solar system. The problem is the monolith sent its report to big brother when Lucifer ignited.

Poole not only has to acclimate to a new society and technology, but he has to help save the species. They discover some long-forgotten viruses and used them. The human species is saved, and they all live happily ever after.

I can’t say enough good things about this book. Arthur C. Clarke is one of my most favorite authors. He tells the story and has a talent for taking extremely complex things and making them simple enough for anyone to understand.