Beer: Natural State Porter

Bentonville Brewing Co’s Natural State Porter is another yummy beer. It’s very smooth and not very bitter at all. It’s got great chocolate notes, which is my favorite part of a porter.

This is the second beer from this local brewer I’ve tried. I think I’m going to have to make a trip to their tasting room to try a few more of their products. You wouldn’t think the buckle on the bible belt would have some amazing craft brewers.

Here’s what the brewer says on the can:

“Hey, look! A normal porter! And a fine one at that. We didn’t bother dolling this one up with fancy dressings. No additional flavoring. No extract. We’ve simply dialed in what this style is all about and here it is before you, in the buff.

Let the oats chocolate, and honey malts, and woody aromas dance freely. Unadulterated in your mouth like that one time things got weird on that camping trip.”