2022: A Year in Review

I’m in the closing minutes of the year 2022 and it’s a good time to look back at what happened this year.

The biggest life change was that I got married to my wonderful husband, Phillip. We got married on June 30 in a little Indian restaurant. We didn’t say any vows or make any fuss; our friend was a wedding officiant, and he signed our license. I can’t wait to see what the new year brings for us. I’m sure there will be challenges as well as triumphs.

I’ve finally learned how to be content with life; I no longer find myself ruminating about the things I don’t have. I’m happy that I have all the things I need to live comfortably. I’m learning to have some self-esteem, although I still think I’m ugly. I do firmly believe I’m a good person in spite of the things I’ve done in my past. I believe I deserve love, laughter, and to be happy. This is a major step forward from where I was when I first moved to Arkansas.

I read over 10 books this year. I completed the Dune series and read a few other things that I thought were pretty good. I need to do a better job making time to read this next year, though.

I started on insulin to control my diabetes. I’ve been able to bring my A1C down to 6.1 and my doctor says she’s proud of me for that. Sure, it’s a pain in the ass to take insulin at mealtimes, but it is what it is. I was able to get a CGM, so I have a more complete picture of what my blood sugar does.

I’m finally at the point where I’m glad I’m gay. I have gay glasses and a gay tattoo. I can’t imagine not being gay and proud. I’m at a point where I don’t care what other people think of me. I don’t care if they think being gay is wrong. I am exactly who I’m supposed to be.

It’s been a rough year for anxiety due to the political climate. Women lost the right to bodily autonomy when the Supreme Court overturned 50 years of precedent as they nullified Roe vs. Wade. One of the justices set his sights on LGBT rights and same sex marriage. Luckily, the congress passed a law that should help if the court decides to say states can decide our rights. I’m still scared that the Republicans will turn people against my community, though. My biggest fear is that Phillip and I might have to flee to another country. I know that won’t happen in 2023, but I’m not ruling it out for the future.